Small Estate Affidavit

When someone who owns very little dies without a will, going through the probate process may not be cost-effective. In Texas, heirs to a small estate have the option to transfer ownership of property using a small estate affidavit instead of probate.

When is a Small Estate Affidavit Used?

You can use a small estate affidavit to transfer property without the need for a full probate if:

  1. The decedent did not leave a valid will.
  2. The total assets of the estate are less than $75,000 (not including the homestead and exempt property, as described below).
  3. There are no debts that the decedent owed that will go unpaid.
  4. There are no minors who inherit property.
  5. There is no need for a full probate, such as a family dispute or other litigation matter that must be handled.

Who Can You Transfer Property to Using a Small Estate Affidavit?

You can use the small estate affidavit to transfer property to the decedent’s heirs. The decedent’s heirs are those persons who are entitled to inherit property under Texas law. This usually includes the surviving spouse, children, etc.

What Can You Transfer with a Small Estate Affidavit?

The general rule is that you can transfer any property owned by the decedent. This includes real and personal property.

There are some limitations on real property. You can only transfer the title to real property that qualifies as a homestead. The term “homestead” refers to the residence owned by the person who passed away.

The homestead may include:

The homestead can also be on leased land, but the deceased should own the structure.

The homestead can only be transferred by a small estate affidavit if it passes to the surviving spouse or minor children.

You cannot transfer ownership of a property that does not qualify as a homestead with a small estate affidavit. So, a small estate affidavit cannot be used for a decedent who owned rental properties.

What Assets Are Exempt for a Small Estate?

The Texas Estates Code and Texas Property Code set out certain minimum assets that the surviving spouse and/or minor children are entitled to. These assets include:

  1. The homestead;
  2. Properties for the use and benefit of the surviving spouse, minor children, unmarried adult children living with the deceased, or an incapacitated adult child are exempt. Exempt properties should not exceed $100,000 for a family or $50,000 for a single adult. These properties include:

These assets are not counted in the $75,000 limitation for the small estate affidavit.

Other assets, like an ordinary bank account, are not exempt. So, these assets count towards the aggregate limit of $75,000.

How to File a Small Estate Affidavit?

You need to file your sworn small estate affidavit along with the clerk of the court. The affidavit should include: