Life Insurance

Life insurance is about providing for the people you care about most. It pays them a sum of money you choose and may help protect them from the financial impact of your death.

These funds can help your loved ones pay monthly living expenses, stay in their home and pay off debts, including final expenses. It can also help send a child to college one day, continue a family business or leave a legacy for your favorite charity.

We Offer Two Basic Types of Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance

Provides affordable coverage for a specific period of time. Payment amounts don't change for the guaranteed premium period.

Typically, proceeds from a Term Life Insurance policy may be used to cover needs like:

Permanent Life Insurance

Provides protection that lasts a lifetime or for the life of the policy. It may build cash value that can be used even when you are living.

Typically, permanent insurance is used to cover long-term needs like:

Find a plan to fit your need

Determining how much life insurance you need doesn't have to be difficult. Let us help.

What Can Life Insurance Do For You?

Brad and Tara Hansen were a nice young couple with three kids. Life for them was just beginning. But quite suddenly things changed. Now, it's just Brad and the kids. Although life insurance can't make everything better, it can help give families time to heal without immediate money worries.

“It takes a lot of stressful financial burdens off your hands. It'll be there for the kids.”

Brad Hansen
Survivor of policyowner Tara Hansen

Product base plans, provisions, features and riders may not be available in all states and may vary by state. Policy forms:

AccumUL Answers

Sex Distinct: Policy Form D421LNA13P or state equivalent. In FL, D427LFL13P. In ID, LA, NC, OK, OR, PA, PR, TX and WA, ICC13L096P. In NY, 955Y-0813.

Unisex: Policy Form D422LNA13P or state equivalent. In FL, D428LFL13P. In ID, LA, NC, OK, OR, PA, PR, TX and WA, ICC13L097P. In NY, 956Y-0813.

AccumUL Plus

Sex Distinct: Policy Form C518LNA08P or state equivalent. In FL, C587LFL08P. In ID, LA, NC, OK, PA, PR, TX and WA, ICC08L001P. In NY, 888Y-0608. In OR, C600LOR08P.

Unisex: Policy Form C519LNA08P or state equivalent. In FL, C519LFL08P. In ID, LA, NC, OK, PA, PR, TX and WA, ICC08L002P. In NY, 889Y-0608. In OR, C601LOR08P.

Children's Whole Life

Policy Form A007LNA05P or state equivalent. In FL, A037LFL05P. In NC, A098LNC05P. In NY, 0835Y-0805. In OK, A133LOK05P. In OR, A140LOR05P. In PR, A177LPR05P. In TX, A151LTX05P.

Guaranteed Universal Life

Sex Distinct: D187LNA10P or state equivalent. In FL, D241LFL10P. In ID, LA, NC, OK, OR, PA, PR, TX, and WA, ICC10L046P. In NY, 927Y-1110.

Guaranteed Universal Life Express

Sex Distinct: A998LNA06P or state equivalent. In FL, B252LFL06P. In LA, B264LLA06P. In NC, B286LNC06P. In OK, B302LOK06P. In OR, B306LOR06P. In PA, B310LPA06P. In PR, B314LPR06P. In TX, B326LTX06P. In WA, B342LWA06P. In NY, 867Y-0207.

Unisex: A999LNA06P or state equivalent. In FL, B253LFL06P. In LA, B265LLA06P. In NC, B287LNC06P. In OK, B303LOK06P. In OR, B307LOR06P. In PA, B311LPA06P. In PR, B315LPR06P. In TX, B327LTX06P. In WA, B343LWA06P. In NY, 868Y-0207.

Income Advantage

GPT Sex Distinct Policy Forms: D493LNA14P, or state equivalent. In FL, 501LFL14P. In ID, LA, NC, OK, OR, PA, PR, TX and WA, ICC15L123P.

GPT Unisex Policy Forms: D494LNA14P, or state equivalent. In FL, D502LFL14P. In ID, LA, NC, OK, OR, PA, PR, TX and WA, ICC15L124P.

Juvenile Whole Life

Policy Form A001LNA05P or state equivalent. In OK, A127LOK05P; in OR, A134LOR05P; in TX, A184LTX05P; in NC, A092LNC05P; in LA, A249LLA05P. Rider B516LMO07E in MO.

Life Protection Advantage℠

Sex Distinct: Policy Forms ICC17L152P or state equivalent. In FL, D622LFL17P. In NY, 990Y-0117.

Unisex: Policy Forms ICC17L153P or state equivalent. In FL, D623LFL17P. In NY, 991Y-0117.

Senior Age Life

Policy form ICC11L057P or state equivalent.

Term Life Answers

Term Life 10: 6179L-0696 or state equivalent. In ID, 6337L-0696. In LA, 6179L-0696. In NC, 6254L-0696. In OK, 6258L-0696. In OR, 6259L-0696. In PA, 5947L-0495. In NY, 738Y-1195. In TX, 5957L-0495. In WA, 5959L-0495.

Term Life 15: 6181L-0696 or state equivalent. In ID, 6339L-0696. In LA, 6181L-0696. In NC, 6300L-0696. In OK, 6304L-0696. In OR, 6305L-0696. In PA, 6306L-0696. In NY, 749Y-0598. In TX, 6309L-0696. In WA, 6311L-0696.

Term Life 20: 6182L-0696 or state equivalent. In ID, 6340L-0696. In LA, 6182L-0696. In NC, 6323L-0696. In OK, 6327L-0696. In OR, 6328L-0696. In PA, 5779L-0295. In NY, 805Y-0203. In TX, 5782L-0295. In WA, 5784L-0295.

Term Life 30: 7064L-0203 or state equivalent. In FL, 7157L-0203. In NC, 7164L-0203. In OK, 7169L-0203. In OR, 7170L-0203. In NY, 805Y-0203. In TX, 7172L-0203, In WA, 7175L-0203.

Term Life Direct

Policy Form ICC13L094P, or state equivalent. In FL, D415LFL13P. Accelerated Death Benefit Rider: 2486L-0799 or state equivalent. In PA, 2494L-0799. In TX, 2495L-0799. In WA, 2498L-0799. Unemployment Waiver of Premium Rider: D185LNA10R or state equivalent. In PA, D226LPA10R. Accidental Death Rider: ICC13L095R or state equivalent. In FL, D408LNA13R.

Term Life Express 10, 15, 20, 30

10-year level term: D453LNA13P or state equivalent. In ID, LA, NC, OK, OR, PA, PR, TX & WA, ICC13L116P. In FL, D470LFL13D. In NY, 976Y-0415.

15-year level term: D453LNA13P or state equivalent. In ID, LA, NC, OK, OR, PA, PR, TX & WA, ICC13L116P. In FL, D470LFL13D. In NY, 913Y-0309.

20-year level term: D454LNA13P or state equivalent. In ID, LA, NC, OK, OR, PA, PR, TX & WA, ICC13L116P. In FL, D470LFL13D. In NY, 914Y-0309.

20-year level term with return of premium: D455LNA13P, or state equivalent. In ID, LA, NC, OK, OR, PA, PR, TX & WA, ICC13L117P. In FL, D472LFL13D.

30-year level term: D453LNA13P or state equivalent. In ID, LA, NC, OK, OR, PA, PR, TX & WA, ICC13L116P. In FL, D470LFL13D. In NY, 915Y-0309.

30-year level term with return of premium: D455LNA13P or state equivalent. In ID, LA, NC, OK, OR, PA, PR, TX & WA, ICC13L117P. In FL, D472LFL13D.

20-year level term: D454LNA13P or state equivalent. In ID, LA, NC, OK, OR, PA, PR, TX & WA, ICC13L118P. In FL, D471LFL13D.

30-year level term: D454LNA13P or state equivalent. In ID, LA, NC, OK, OR, PA, PR, TX & WA, ICC13L118P. In FL, D471LFL13D.

Whole Life Guaranteed

Policy Form ICC11L060P or state equivalent. In FL, 7634L-0505. In NY, 826Y-0505. In WA, A975LWA06P.

Whole Life Express

Policy Form 6879L-0202 or state equivalent. In FL, 6908L-0202. In NC, 6914L-0202. In NY, 875Y-0207. In TX, 6920L-0202. In WA, 6924L-0202.

Coverage may not be available in all states and may vary by state. Exclusions, limitations and reductions may apply.

All guarantees subject to the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing company. Each company is responsible for its own financial and contractual obligations.

Life insurance and annuities are underwritten by United of Omaha Life Insurance Company, 3300 Mutual of Omaha Plaza, Omaha, NE 68175. United of Omaha is licensed nationwide except in New York and does not solicit business in New York. In New York, Companion Life Insurance Company, Hauppauge, NY 11788-2934 underwrites life insurance and annuities.

This is a solicitation of insurance. A licensed agent/producer may contact you.

Product base plans, provisions, features and riders may not be available in all states and may vary by state. Exclusions and limitations may apply.

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