It is common practice to refer to the table and its corresponding numeral in-text in parentheses. In case the graph has been published in a journal article, or government report, take a look at our MLA table citation guides below.
To cite a table in a reference entry in MLA style 8th edition include the following elements:
Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a table in MLA style 8th edition:
Author(s) name . " Title of the table ." Title of the journal , vol. volume number , no. issue number , Year of publication , pp. Page numbers , DOI .
To cite a table in a reference entry in MLA style 8th edition include the following elements:
Here is the basic format for a reference list entry of a table in MLA style 8th edition:
Author(s) name , Title of the report , Publisher , Year of publication .
Take a look at our works cited examples that demonstrate the MLA style guidelines in action:
table citation from a journal
Ahmed, Bakr . " Cholestrol levels in a cohort of 250 participants. " Journal of Obesity , vol. 56 , no. 4 , 2012 , pp. 107-116 , .
table citation from a government report
Environment Protection Agency , Heavy Metal Contamination in the Nile River , USGPO , 2008 .
When citing a table in-text using the MLA style, refer to the table by number in parentheses.
In practice, you can expect your table's in-text citation to be in this format (see table 1) .
Below the table, use the descriptor "Source," followed by a colon, then provide the information for the source in caption form.
Citation of a table from a journal
Source: Galal, Mariam. "Levels of MxA gene expression." Journal of Cancer Biology, vol. 65, no. 2, 2006, pp. 107-116, .
If you provide source information below the table, you do not need to provide the same information in the references list.
This citation style guide is based on the MLA Handbook (9 th edition).