Insurance (Ch. 186 § 21) – If the tenant requests to view the property’s insurance policy for fire and other hazards, the landlord must present it to the tenant within fifteen (15) days.

Lead-Based Paint (Federal Law) – Required for housing built before 1978 to warn potential tenants about the presence of lead-based paint.

Move-in Checklist (Ch. 186 § 15B(2)(c)) – Only required if the landlord accepts a security deposit; an itemized inventory of furnishings, utilities, and damages.

Security Deposit Receipt (Ch. 186 § 15B(2)(b)) – Only required if a security deposit was accepted, this form is to be given to the tenant at the end of the term of the lease when returning their funds (along with any deductions).


Maximum (Ch. 186 § 15B(1)(b)) – Landlords can charge tenants up to one (1) month’s rent for a deposit.

Returning (Ch. 186 § 15B(1)(b)) – Landlords must return security deposits to tenants within thirty (30) days of the lease termination date.


No notice is required by the landlord before entering the rental property.


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